// Congrats to Velocity Artists selected for OtB’s NW New Works //
Congrats to all the Velocity Presenting Artists and Teaching Artists selected for On the Boards’ NW New Works Festival June 7 – 9 + 14 – 16, 2013!
+ WOOD (Matt Drews, Reilly Sinanan)
+ PE|Mo (Rosa Vissers, Jessica Hatlo)
+ The New Animals
+ Elia Mrak
+ The Eternal Glow Project (Amy Johnson, Tim Smith-Stewart, Jeffrey Azevedo, Charlie Spitzack, Derek Ghormley, Taryn Collis, Madeline Marchal)
+ AJA (Alice Gosti, Ahn Nguyen, Jessica Robinson)
+ Allie Hankins
+ Paris Hurley
If we forgot anyone please let us know! Email leah@velocitydancecenter.org.
Photos / Tim Summers, Joseph Lambert