The Heart, Mind and Body of Contact Improvisation
APR 29 – MAY 3 / 12-3PM (12-4PM on May 3)
1621 12th Ave on Capitol Hill

REGISTER $150 for entire 5-day workshop / $35 drop-ins
All drop-ins for advanced level participants only

*NEW SPECIAL $30 drop-ins if you pre-register for 3 or more days
To pre-register for the special call Kim at 206.325.8773

Contact Kim@velocitydancecenter.org for more info.

This workshop will encourage participants to focus on reaching a balance between the mental, physical and emotional states drawn upon to create an engaging contact duet, trio or larger ensemble dances. In this approach, the mind and body are encouraged to abandon a certain quality of willfulness in order to open to new sensations and to experience the natural flow of movement. Our warm-up and preparation will lead us to the practice of various skills such as rolling smoothly, falling safely, being upside down, supporting and giving weight effortlessly. On an emotional level, making contact with another being implies forging a nurturing connection within a safe environment, which allows us to take risks, exchange, communicate and witness. It is a fertile crossroad where skill, sensation, instinct and poetic imagination converge. Open to all levels of experience.

ANDREW HARWOOD has danced for renowned companies Marie Chouinard and Jean-Pierre Perreault, performed with Steve Paxton, Nancy Stark Smith, and Nita Little and has collaborated with Benoît Lachambre, Chris Aiken, Kirstie Simson, Ray Chung and Benno Voorham. His work has been presented in numerous international festivals and is influenced by gymnastics, the Alexander Technique, Aikido, release technique, contemporary dance and yoga.

Sunday May 5 / 2-5PM Jam
5-6PM Potluck
1621 12th Ave

Join Andrew Harwood and Seattle jammers to celebrate Seattle Festival of Dance Improvisation’s 20th Anniversary. Entrance by suggested donation. All proceeds go towards SFDI 2013. Come dance, celebrate and enjoy a family-style potluck!


Photo / Daniel Farkas Harwood
