// Guest Artist Series: Anna Martine Whitehead (CHI) //

Notes on Territory

SAT MAR 31 / 4PM
Velocity 1621 12th Ave


What are the architectural linkages between cathedrals, prisons, castles, and public housing, and how do brown, black, and feminized bodies find freedom within them? This performance talk is equal parts intimate performance lecture and conversation.

“Energetic, empowered joy, and overwrought exhaustion permeate Anna Martine Whitehead’s performances and choreography.”OtherPeoplesPixels

Notes on Territory is a multimedia movement project in the guise of a lecture on the history of containment architecture. Not merely a survey of these architectural paradigms, Territory interrogates hegemonic spacial relationships to human mobilities, identity formation, and freedom practices. In a time of technologically enhanced surveillance, continued prison expansion, and perpetual urban housing crises that have driven more people than ever back into the church, what do these legacies and freedom practices teach us about ourselves and our futures?


Anna Martine Whitehead is a transdisciplinary artist interested in the body as material, as signal, as archive. She has been presented by venues across North America and Europe including Hyde Park Art Center; Watts Towers Art Center; Yerba Buena Center for the Arts; and the Hemispheric Institute for Performance and Politics. She has contributed significantly to projects by the Prison + Neighborhood Art Project, Onye Ozuzu, Jefferson Pinder, taisha paggett, Thomas Teurlais, Every house has a door, Keith Hennessy, BodyCartography Project, and Julien Prévieux, among others. Martine has written for Art21 Magazine, C Magazine, Art Practical, and Frieze, and contributed chapters to a range of publications including Meanings and Makings of Queer Dance (Oxford, 2017). She is a grant recipient of the Foundation for Contemporary Arts and the author of TREASURE | My Black Rupture (Thread Makes Blanket, 2016). She teaches, makes, and builds in Chicago. Find out more at annamartine.com.




“OtherPeoplesPixels Interviews Anna Martine Whitehead”OtherPeoplesPixels

“Anna Martine Whitehead Interview”Baywatch

“Edgar Arceneaux: Playing in the Black Hole” —Anna Martine Whitehead, Art Practical

Anna Martine Whitehead, High Concept Labs