Velocity is Burning
Velocity is Burning
A kooky-queer cabaret to celebrate the season
DEC 6 / 8-11PM
Velocity (1621 12th Ave)
TICKETS $15 online / $20 at the door
The holiday party to end all holiday parties hosted by emcee Robbie Turner. The gorgeous Alice Gosti goes VOGUE, filmmaker Jacob Rosen plays with FIRE, Maya Soto unleashes her warrior PRINCESS, Annie McGhee + Rachel Grant ruffle their FEATHERS + Alicia Garcia Mullikin is crowned the raunchy queen of the CABARET. PLUS fabulous performances by Miss Kitty Baby + Miss Gay Seattle, DonnaTella Howe. Sponsored by Team Diva Real Estate.
// Check out the Velocity is Burning artist previews on the Diva Blog!
Thank you to our amazingly generous door prize donors //
Ethan Stowell Restaurants
Homo for the Holidays
Retail Therapy
Team Diva and their Champagne Cellar
All proceeds go towards Velocity’s 2013 programming.