// SFDI 2013 Jams //
Contact Improvisation Jam $5
Monday July 29 / 7-11pm
The jam begins by showing a short archival video “CHUTE” transmitting the original Contact work, followed by a guided warm-up and jam held in a classic “round robin” style.
COBREW with Live Music Founders + Open Jam Kawasaki / $5
Tuesday July 30 / 7-11pm
COBREW (John Zorn’s Cobra Score for musicians + Lisa Nelson’s Tuning Score for dancers) 2 scores about composition and communication; dancers will warm-up with a reminder of tuning calls, musicians will set up and then together we all begin.
“Underscore” (Contact and Other Improvisation) $5
Wednesday July 31 / 8:30-12pm
We will briefly talk through a modified version of Nancy Stark Smith’s “Underscore” which includes beginning together and ending together with a brief harvest circle .
Open Jam with Warm-up Led by SFDI Faculty $5
Thursday Aug 1 / 10-11:30pm
Improvisation//Composition Theme $5
Friday Aug 2 / 7-10:30pm
A warm-up led by SFDI Faculty will tune the jammers into developing emergent gestures. Throughout the jam there will be chances to clear the space to begin again.
Open Jam with Warm-up Led by SFDI Faculty $5
Saturday Aug 3 / 9-11pm
Closing Jam with Guided Warm-up and “Pass the Dance” $5
Sunday Aug 4 / 10am-1pm
A chance to enter and exit from dances frequently allowing the dance to pass between us.
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