The Artist in Residence (AIR) Program serves the needs of accomplished professional dance + movement-based artists or collaborative teams engaged in the process of research / creation, by providing free space + time for work, reflection, and community interaction. The Artist in Residence also interfaces with other Velocity programs throughout the year.
The AIR is required to show work in at least one Velocity program in their year in residence, and acts as an advisor for The Bridge Project. Additionally, the AIR is also invited to devise with Velocity on-site or outreach activities that support their creative process while fostering meaningful links between the Artist In Residence + the community. These opportunities may include performances, curated exhibitions, community conversations, open rehearsals, classes, media projects, humanities events or other formats.
In 2012, Velocity expanded its Residency program to also include annual Creative Residents, awarded 10-80 hour space grants. Residency outcomes can include performances, interactive events, exhibitions + installations; all designed to support the creative process of selected artists.
The center of Seattle in the heart of the Capitol Hill Arts District within Seattle’s premier art center dedicated to contemporary dance and performance. Velocity functions as an education, performance and movement laboratory with three studios and a studio theater. It does not offer living accommodation.
Each year, one AIR, at no cost, is provided with studio accommodations of approx. 150-300 hours a year, over a 6-12 month period. From the AIR application pool, Creative Residents may also be selected for shorter self-directed residencies. Creative Residents receive, at no cost, studio accommodations compatible with available studio space, facilities and resources up to a maximum of 80 hours a year during the following annual sessions.
- Session I: Jan 1-July 8
- Session II: Aug 8-Sept 8
- Session III: Sept 8-Jan 1
Performance, Interactive events, Exhibitions, Workshops, Installations or other related activities designed to support the individualized creative process of selected artists.
- Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. If you are interested in participating in AIR or the Creative Resident Program 2020, please send a letter of interest to Interim Artistic Director Erin Johnson.
- Selected Seattle-based artists will be required to discuss their proposals with Velocity’s Executive/Artistic Director, and may be asked to submit an application. Proposals for self-directed creative residencies must be compatible with available studio space, facilities and resources.
- Out of Town Applications: 2 work samples, 1-page resume, references, and a 300-400 word statement describing your work plan while in residence. In the statement include:
- Are you applying to be AIR, a Creative Resident, or both?
- Personal and artistic goals for the residency period
- Motivations that are a critical part of your process as a whole or for the proposed residency
- Questions, concepts, materials, processes, structures, external sources or subjects central to your current work
- Ways you might be interested in interfacing with other Velocity programs
Fox is looking forward to deep inquiry and process time in the studio alone, and with their collaborators. They plan on creating an Open Studio inviting other artists, from all disciplines, into the studio with them to move and talk together. (They/Them)
FOX WHITNEY is a transgender artist creating performative experiences that combine theater, dance and visual art. Fox’s queer multiracial non-binary point of view is at the heart of their performance project, Gender Tender, for which Fox creates experiences that investigate the nature of queer and transgender personal relationships and histories as well as the surreal nature of transformation, trauma, and healing. Gender Tender engages a team of artists trained in Fox’s unique methods modeled on the structures of sports teams, sitcoms and riots. Technical and conceptual focus combine to engage performers and audience in the dance of intellect, embodiment and radical compassion. Their work aims to disintegrate binary thinking for all participants.
Fox Whitney was awarded the 2018 Artist in Residence position at Velocity Dance Center. Their performance work has been commissioned and produced by On the Board’s NW New Works Festival and Solo Festival; Velocity’s Next Fest NW and Seattle Festival of Dance Improvisation; the Seattle International Dance Festival; Yellow Fish Epic Durational Performance Festival and was selected for the inaugural season of Seattle’s Gay CIty Arts. Their performance work has also been presented in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Portland OR, Chicago and San Francisco. They have had their short films screened as part of the INFRARED series curated by Malic Amalya at CounterPulse in San Francisco celebrating the opening of Compton’s Transgender Cultural District in 2018. Their dance films have screened at Seattle’s Twist Film Festival, Translations: Seattle’s Transgender Film Festival and at Next Dance Cinema presented by Velocity and Northwest Film Forum. They have an MFA in Fiber and Material Studies from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and have exhibited their visual art nationally including shows at SAIC, Columbia College, Heaven Gallery, Roxaboxen Gallery (Chicago), at CalTrans Pride and Femina Potens Gallery (San Francisco), and at Gay City Arts and the Shunpike Storefronts Gallery (Seattle). Fox is also a composer and has studied piano, violin and voice. They continue to create their own songs and sound scores that have featured prominently in their choreographic work. Their current project MELTED RIOT, a queer meditation inspired by the Stonewall Riots of 1969, is supported by Velocity Dance Center’s Artist in Residence program.
Fox is a dancer and choreographer with a focus on improvisational, somatic and contemporary choreographic methods. They are a certified yoga teacher (graduate of the 300 hour program at the Yoga Center of Minneapolis, RYT 200 Yoga Alliance) They have performed in the work of keyon gaskin, Maureen Whiting Dance Co., Vanessa DeWolf, Aniccha Arts, Malic Amalya, Neil Ferron, Courtney Meaker, Andrew Schneider and Mimi Allin. They’ve trained with yogis Coco Elwood, Desiree Rumbaugh, Kevin Kortan and Faith Hunter. Fox trained as a teenager at the Iowa Shakespeare Conservatory and continues to study acting and incorporate those processes into their work.
Insta: @mxfoxwhitney
Gender Tender is on Facebook, so is Fox Whitney
2018-19 Creative Residents
Sam Ahmend
Ben Goosman |
KT Niehoff is Velocity’s Artist in Service.
KT Niehoff is an entrepreneurial generative artist, performer, and producer working in the field of multi-disciplinary, new performance…
Alumni: Artists in residence
KT Niehoff (2016) ktniehoff.com
Alice Gosti (2015) gostia.com
Jody Keuhner, aka Cherdonna Shinatra (2014) cherdonna.com
Dayna Hanson (2013) daynahanson.com
zoe | juniper (2012) zoejuniper.org
Amy O’Neal (2011) tinyrage.com
Amelia Reeber (2010) ameliareeber.com
Mark Haim (2009)
Molly Scott (2008) scottpowell.org
Crispin Spaeth (2007) spaethprojects.com/dance
// 2017 //
Laura Aschoff
Renee Boehlke
Allison Burke
Elby Brosch
Esra Cömert-Morishige
Alyza Del Pan Monley
Hope Goldman
Ben Gooseman
Alice Gosti
Mark Haim
Sarah Hogland
Liz Houlton
Jody Kuehner / Cherdonna
Leslie Krauss
Anna Krupp
Cameo Lethem
Kim Lusk
Jordan MacIntosh-Hougham
Ale Madera
Ella Mahler
Taryn McGovern
Bebe Miller
I Moving Lab
Alicia Mullikin
Michael “Majinn” O’Neal Jr. + Angel “Moonyeka” Alviar
Ethan Rome
Alisa Popova
Sean Rosado
Zoe Scofield
Seth Sexton
Nancy Stark Smith
Kate Wallich
Tom Weinberger
// 2016 //
Kate Wallich katewallich.com
Jody Kuehner cherdonna.com
Kim Lusk kimlusk.com
Dylan Ward sleepnod.org
ilvs strauss ilvsstrauss.com
Stephanie Liapis stephanieliapis.com
Nathan Blackwell
Ashleigh Miller faunix.com
Mary Sheldon Scott marysheldonscott.com
Dani Tirrell
Alex Crozier
Jade Solomon Curtis jadesolomon.com
Morgan Thorson (MPL) mancc.org
Coleman Pester tectonicmarrowsociety.com
// 2015 //
Next Fest NW Artists: Daniel Costa, Elby Brosch, Laura Aschoff, Randy Ford, Imana Gunawan, JuJu Kusanagi + Julia Sloane
Kate Wallich
Made in Seattle Artists: Anna Conner + Co / Babette DeLafayette + John Marc Powell
Karin Stevens karinstevensdance.com
Matt Drews mattdrews.com
Kim Lusk
Dani Tirrell
ilvs strauss
Ezra Dickinson
Lavinia Vago
Jade Solomon Curtis
Monica Bill Barnes + Co
Maya Soto + Nico Tower (partnership with 10 degrees) mayasotodance.com
Mark Haim + Jesse Zaritt markhaimart.com
Bridge Project Artists: Hannah Simmons, Coleman Pester, Adriana Hernandez, Dylan Ward (UW)
// 2014 //
Next Fest NW Artists: Kim Lusk, Alexandra Maricich + Mariah Martens, Colleen McNeary, Modern Recollections, Ariana Bird, Luke Gutgsell, Anna Conner
Alana O’Farrell Rogers alanaorogers.org
Ellie Sandstrom sandstrommovement.com
Tahni Holt tahniholt.com
Molly Sides mollysides.com
Sara Shelton Mann Project Artists: Beth Graczyk, Alice Gosti, Alia Swersky
Coriolis Dance coriolisdance.com
SCUBA Artsits: Elia Mrak + Erica Badgeley
Bridge Project Artists: Shannon Stewart, Colleen McNeary, Anna Conner + Babette Pendleton McGeady
// 2013 //
Next Fest NW Artists: Gender Tender, Coleman Pester/Tectonic Marrow Society, Nathan Blackwell, Dylan Ward, Alana O Rogers, Matt Drews + Coulliette [the Pendleton House], Lexi Hamill
Anna Conner annaconnerandco.wordpress.com
Kate Wallich + The YC with Andrew Bartee companywallich.com
zoe | juniper zoejuniper.org
Shannon Stewart feetlikebirds.blogspot.com
Maureen Whiting maureenwhitingco.org
// 2012 //
Kate Wallich companywallich.com
Shannon Stewart feetlikebirds.blogspot.com
Catherine Cabeen catherinecabeen.com
Danielle Agami danielleagami.com
Brian Rogers chocolatefactorytheater.org